IAH-BGID Book Call 2019 – Groundwater, resilient livelihoods and equitable growth


With this book, IAH aim to provide a comprehensive evidence base for how groundwater has contributed to reducing poverty, increasing resilience to climate and environmental change and helping to develop equitable growth. Groundwater plays a fundamental, although often underestimated, role in poverty alleviation, but case studies and examples are lacking in the academic literature, particularly those that demonstrate the impact that groundwater development has had on households, communities and regions.  This missing voice has hampered the ability to demonstrate the positive role that groundwater development can have and the importance of developing groundwater sustainably.

In many areas worldwide groundwater represents the primary safe source of water for domestic supply and agriculture supporting livelihoods and lifting many out of poverty.  However, the hidden nature of groundwater often hampers its effective management and protection which can threaten the sustainably and quality of supplies.  For the benefits of groundwater abstraction to be realized and sustained, there is a need to better explore and articulate the links between groundwater availability and quality, climate change, and groundwater-dependent livelihoods. This becomes even more important with growing climate uncertainty and decreasing water security in some marginal areas, with an increasing threat of displaced environmental refugees.

The book will present a collection of key studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America on how the development of groundwater is transforming communities, both in reducing poverty and also promoting economic growth. Such case studies are rarely captured and this collection would form a unique dataset which can be drawn on both by academics and policy makers interested in how groundwater is making a difference.

The topics that will be covered by the book include:

– Climate Change adaptation and resilience (with a special focus on the impact and social aspects)

– Emergency and disaster situations, groundwater and migrations.

– The role of groundwater in meeting SDGs

– International development and poverty alleviation

– The role of groundwater in urban development

– The role of groundwater as a rural water supply source and livelihood

– The role of groundwater in attaining water security

– Socio-hydrogeology, public engagement and outreach

We therefore invite interested authors to submit a proposal for chapters, that will be published within the IAH Book Series.

Proposals must be sent via email using the application form here at the address: iah.bgid@gmail.com

Deadline for application May 15, 2019.

Successful applicants will be notified by June 30, 2019

The Editors,

Viviana Re, Tamiru Abiye, Aditi Mukherji, Rodrigo Manzione, Alan MacDonald